Our team

Our team Consists of a group of people who diligently love God and people. We are all faithfully invested in helping lead others to the faith that we have been so blessed to experience. We are committed to our mission and to you and your child's faith while providing a top-notch camp experience.

Shannon Brewer

Camp Administrator

Shannon grew up attending Camp Greene. She has been a camper, a counselor, worship leader, and now director; following in the foot steps of her father, who helped to create the Camp Greene we know and love today. She is the mother of three beautiful girls and is married to Ken. she and her family attend Horse Creek Church of God. When she is not attending camp, she is a mathematics professor at a local community college. Her favorite things about camp are seeing campers year after year, the amazing food, and watching campers fall in love with God. 

LeAnn Myers

Camp Administrator

LeAnn has been a part of Camp Greene for several years as one of the many who grew up as a camper, counselor, and director. She loves the beach and the mountains so she tries to split the difference by bring all the fun-in-the-sun to to her second home at Camp Greene. When she is not at camp, LeAnn is a data and assessments supervisor for the local school system. She is inspired to continue her ministry at Camp Greene following the footsteps of those who first inspired her. LeAnn loves the fellowship and worship of camp and loves to see the Holy Spirit move in His people as their lives are changed in His presents.  

Ken Brewer

Administrative Assistant

Ken is involved with Camp Greene in any and every capacity as needed and is always willing to serve. He is married to his beloved, Shannon and is thus, also married to camp. Ken is father to three fantastic daughters who also love camp as much as their parents. Ken and his family attend Horse Creek Church of God where he is the youth minister. His grown-up job is being a professor of psychology at a local private university. Ken is a Camp Greene staple as Comedy Night with Ken is the highlight of camp to many. Ken combines the awesome ministry and fun of camp into one action-packed activity sure to engage and entertain all in attendance.

Hannah Seaton

Activities Coordinator

Hannah has attended Camp Greene for the past 20 years. Camp Greene is where she made the decision to give her life to Jesus. She is the game and activities coordinator, give her a random object while at camp and she will automatically think "what game can I create with this object?". Hannah is married to Nathan and they have a beautiful little boy named Walker. Hannah is incredibly excited to raise him at camp. Other than taco salad and making 100 Novaks, Hannah's favorite thing about camp is getting to worship and create memories along side of students from her school where she teaches.

Amy Luttrell


Amy is a long-time member of Camp Greene. She has been a camper, counselor, and director working along side her sister Shannon. She is the director for the High School camp week and loves to see how year after year what a life-changing challenge camp can be for those who attend and volunteer. Amy attends First Church of God with her Husband Glen and they have two wonderful children, Sarah and Jacob, son-in-law Simeon and grandson Emmett. When she is not at camp, she is always either thinking about camp, or spending time with her friends and family (and definitely not spoiling Emmett). Amy's favorite things about camp are the food, fellowship, worship, and getting see lives changed through the grace of God.

Billy Dyer


Billy has been a counselor for Camp Greene since 2003 and became a director not too long after. Billy is married to his beautiful wife Neka, and has two beautiful daughters Jensen and Nora. They all love camp just as much as he does; for the Dyer family, Camp Greene has truly become a family affair. Billy loves the atmosphere camp has and how it has become his family's home away from home. His favorite part at camp is the worship and how it is a place that everyone can come together as one family. While he is not at camp, Billy is support manager in healthcare. Whether at home, camp, or work, Billy is the all-time go to for help with anything and everything. 

Brynne Jones


Brynne has been a part of the Camp Greene family in multiple capacities since she was eight years old. She started as a camper in second grade and has grown to be a counselor and is now serving in her current role as a director. When she is not at camp, she is a preschool teacher at a local Christian school who also loves mountains and traveling to visit friends and family. Brynne is insistent that camp can not possibly exist without taco salad and éclair cake. Her favorite thing about camp is watching the kids grow in their relationships with each other and with God. Brynne is excited to continue to return to her Camp Greene home to serve for years to come.


“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,

And a light unto my path.”

Psalm 119:105

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